Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Regime of GeneralissimObama
POTUS and crew have been BPM-ing (recall Wolfie introduced this earlier = Bitch Piss and Moan) about the back pressure they are rightfully receiving about their policies, plans and procedures, and generally screwed up world view. Using this as a diving board, they jump of to do the Alinsky high dive, and attempt to lump all opposition members into the forever worn out, "angry white male" image, or "Christian Militia" or whatever other combinations of emotive, Obamaganda words they can create to try to sideline the dam bursting that is gushing down the gorge to destroy their world.
As my college roommate would say, dryly, "Gee, thats too bad."
For some reason, Wolfie can't get his previous post out of his mind, and so I'm going to continue the general theme, which oversimplified could be called, "Why these bastards are like the Nazis and Communists."
One of the non obvious, insidious things about Auschwitz, is very akin to the Obama Healthcare plan, and his other plans.
Oh, Wolfie hears people screaming in the distance! They cannot believe his comparisons! Well, as Commander Shore would say, "Standby for Action!"
What Wolfie is referring to is industry. Industry, you say? Yes, Industry. You see, that Auschwitz existed at all is bad enough, and that it was designed is also bad enough. But what most don't know, is that it was designed by engineers, who spent time evaluating how much work could be done by slave labor, with meager food, and lousy housing conditions, and little or no medical care, before they needed to be "disposed of."
You see, it was not just that Hitler and his evil crew were busy with genocide, they also were busy making money off of the free labor force at the same time. It was engineers from the giant IG Farben conglomerate who broke out their slide rules, and designed and built Auschwitz with the intent that the ovens would take care of the disposal of the people, once their usefullness had come to an end.
Wolfie hears the uninformed yelling still, about how this might pertain to Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid's Healthcare fraud.
Riddle me this, young puppy, how do you suppose the government, with an inability to pay for all this crap and sharade it shovels out every day for idiots to believe in, is going to "manage" healthcare?
Part of it is with boards of burrocrats (sic) who get to decide if you get this or that procedure, drug, or medical benefit. In other words, dummy, when you get older, and less useful to society, your benefits will start to drop off, and as Obama said once, maybe you just need some painkillers.
Time to check out, you're not worthy or worth it anymore pops, you're outta here. Ole Scary Barry and his pigs have decided with some spreadsheet analysis that you aren't worth keeping alive. Too much of a monetary burden, and not enough taxes. You'd do better to die, so your family can sell your farm, pay the taxes and walk away with nothing much, after the government gets done with them.
So, my friends and fellow woofie dogs, this is how they are the same as the Nazi, the IG Farben engineers, in that they calculate the value of your life, not to you, or your family, but to them.
That is the determining factor. Might as well die as soon as you can't generate any more tax revenue for them.
You are worth some amount in tax revenue, so much in your ability to buy things that get taxed, pay taxes and fees over your lifetime, have kids to be taxed, but when you might need some real healthcare, for quality of life with your family and friends? Ha! You've missed the point!
You're not a person, a wife or husband, not a grandmother or grandfather, you, are a line item in some data analysis somewhere, and you and your cluster of oldsters or other high risk category, have just popped up on the radar as being worthless to continue to assist in any way.
Damn! Hope and Change you can believe in!
Wolfie is very angry at these fecal-headed, evil loving, power hungry, dealers of lies, suffering and death.
Get the picture -it only gets worse. The pressure only ratchets up from here. You become more and more worthless, and get categorized, as in the Soviet Union. Pretty soon, if Wolfie speaks up, he will end up an enemy of the state, and possibly be sent off for reeducation. Since being an individual, and having an opinion different than that from those in power, means I must be insane. You would not want to listen to an insane person, would you? Nice little piece of Sovietism and Alinsky there, eh?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
No Joke
In these dog years of my life, I've run across the same things, repetitious things, themes which re-occur again and again. I suspect some of this is due to the nature of humans, and how it seems to perpetuate amongst the various personality types. Bob would say some of this perpetuation is due to mind parasites. Ideas, themes and thoughts that perpetuate a sickness in a person, and can pass on generationally.
When I was much younger, in a history class, one year, we studied the second world war. As part of this unit, we were blessed enough to be visited by our local German teacher. She came into our home room, and discussed her experiences in Nazi Germany, during the war.
She was a kind, older woman, with the appearance of nearly a grandmother. She stood about five and a half feet tall, had greying hair, wore thick horn-rimmed glasses, a scarf over her hair, a blouse and a grandmotherly skirt, that went down to her ankles.
It was odd listening to her at first, because she would not look at the class. She spoke and much of the time her gaze was upon the floor in front of her. She could not raise her eyes and look at us and tell us the memories she was recalling. This grandmotherly lady, our German teacher for our school, was a survivor from Auschwitz.
As she spoke of the social changes, then the fear, and finally the terror of knowing what was going on, and her unbelievable survival, and how many friends, family and neighbors that were no more, she raised up her arm, and showed us her tatoo. The tatoo the Nazis had given her. She recited the number, before showing it to us.
In recent years after that, I could not avoid the study of the war, the times, and the circumstances surrounding the war. After churning through all the basics, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Hitler's Spies, The Order of the Death's Head, and other typical reading on the subject, adding war documentaries, biographies, and so on, I found myself noticing books on the shelf in used bookstores, that pertained to the war, the camps, and the deeper experience that was those days.
I found a few books written by survivors of camps like Treblinka, Buchenwald, and of course, Auschwitz. Some of the authors had been unfortunate enough to have been experiments of the Nazi doctors, and even one or two, by Mengele himself. I began to notice a commonality in the observations, and the stories, one that stuck with me over the years.
As a lead up to this observation, let me say that prior to the end of the Victorian era, there existed the belief that man, as spoken of in the Bible, is essentially broken, or crooked, under the weight of sin, original and his own. This requires laws and measures be taken to reign in such behaviors as murder, rape, theiving, etc.
It wasn't until a bit later, that the utopian socialists, and progressives (a politically correct word for communist or socialist to be certain) began to raise the idea, that sin was actually not as the Bible says it is, but it is merely ignorance. Knowledge then became the replacement for salvation. If given the chance, they suppose, man will not choose evil, but good. Because man is basically good, and given a fair chance, will choose to do good. (Artifacts of this idea exist in the notion that certain societal groups have more crime because they just don't have enough help in the form of education, money, social programs, etc. and crops up again in the Palestinian argument. All of which are just rebellion at the heart of the matter. Immature rebellion.)
These ideas floated quite nicely for a time, ostensibly liberating man from his roots in the "opiate of the masses." The first two world wars blew that idea out of the water, by showing that when man knows more, when knowledge increases, man did not generally choose to better himself, but to figure out ways to better destroy himself.
It seems, sin remains.
So, I noticed, in my study of the camps, that the psychologies began to leak through. It then became clear, that a pernitious evil was involved, that Satan was having a field day, mocking mankind. This was manifest in some of the behaviors of the Nazis in the camps. Not just the first blush of how horrible it all was, or how could someone do that? Not those typical rallying points. This was different. What suddenly struck me in the survivor stories, was the absolute mockery that took place alongside the cruelty and barbarism.
For example, while standing in the icy cold of a dark winter morning, roll call, the prisoners stood in clothing hardly good enough for warm weather. Fearing the spontaneous attack from the requisite psychotic enforcer, and trying to stand at attention, as if a new recruit in a special unit, the Nazis would have those more skilled in the group, sit and play music in a string quartet. Live music.
The first blush is that this was just a sick joke. But as I saw more examples of similar things, I realized that Satan was busy using these people, to make fun of "normal" life, and normalcy, of life itself, and man. What many of the Nazis perhaps missed, is that he also made fun of them. By convincing them with so many of the lies, and binding them together with power and fear, they became capable of inhuman atrocities, complete with "reasons" for the behavior.
Afterall, weren't they providing some culture, and some nice music for their prisoners? Should'nt they be grateful? Denial of the death they were sending them to, and the work that would kill them, there were stacks of such excuses, to go with the myriad of similar mockery. All permissable by the dehumanizing of the individual, by the creation of an "us" and a "them" one can accomplish such things.
Why does Wolfie bring up this story, this thought, these historical threads?
Because Fascism, Socialism, Communism, all go down the same road, and do the same thing. Some oppressors are better at the bull manure than others, but all are deceived in the same stream.
Wednesday's example of the lie of this type, is, President Obama, coming forth to proclaim his support of offshore oil drilling. This is what one is supposed to have as the "take away" from the press conference. Barack is a good dude, he is finally going to let us drill, there is hope!
While shovelling this lie, this "normal life" concept, that any rational, clear thinking person would do -drill our own oil, the EPA was busy regulating, and the proclaimation of the President, was all falsely hiding the open door for regulation, the refusal to drill in existing areas, and previously, the taxpayer funding by the President of the Brazillian state oil company, which coincidentally made a lot of money for the puppet master, George Soros.
Well butter my butt and call me a bisquit! George Soros has a history with the Nazis too!
Interesting, how Barack Obama's friends and funders, are Communists, Terrorists, people who have ties to foreign intelligence services, the Saudi Royal Family, and fellow travellors of Hitler's Nazis. What a great dude, huh?
Wolfie does not think so.
Returning to the mockery theme, notice, that in the camp, while the music played, the SS, the guard, had complete authority over the lives of the prisoners. So, while you stood, freezing your toes off, fearing an instant beating for some made up infraction, the guard could at any moment just up and shoot you, or send you onto a work detail that would kill you. But they were being oh, so nice to you, you have music, a roof over your head, food... getting the picture?
The pattern is the excuse, the crocodile tears, the bullcrap, while they put their knife wielding hand on your shoulder, and pat you on the back and tell you its ok, before they stab you and take what they want, and laugh while they spit in your face.
Well, we have healthcare now, you should be grateful. Think of all the poor, needy folks, who would love to have what you have. Meanwhile, Obama and his ilk, take your hard earned money, and while they say they are doing good, they are busy with underhanded, under the table deals, with their friends, to make themselves, and their friends a lot of money and power, on your back. Now adding all kinds of laws, regulations, taxes and control over your life. Isn't it great what they've done?
The theme is the same.
Lie, fake, control, take.
It is all mockery, it is just the level of fear, control, and death are not as high as in the camps. You're supposed to not notice. Buy a flatscreen TV, watch football, rent DvDs, and surf the web.
Don't notice, that the "smart meters" let them monitor when you are home, when you are not. Are intended to work with smart appliances, like a refrigerator that will tell them, by RFID tags, what you have to eat, and how long it has been there. Cable TV (or fiber) that tells them what you watch, when you watch it. All of it goes into your file, the database, and now, along with your banking records (Obama's cronies took over most of the big banks, yes? Who needs a search warrant for records, when you own the bank?) phone records, location of your car, where it has been, how fast you drove, how long you parked and where. Let us not forget "broadband in rural areas" -used to monitor your email, your internet usage, where you go, what you read, what you say, and access at high speed to any smart device in your home.
Are you ready for the noose to be closed upon your neck? Data mining and warehousing of all this information, permits predictive analysis. There is a 95% probability that if it is Tuesday, after 8:00 pm, Joe Blow will be at the J Street Bar, and that his car will, within 3 hours, be found cruising the red light district. Joe's medical records show he has been treated for STDs. On it goes.
So, what is Wolfie really trying to tell you?
These people, these progressives, these new men and women of "Hope & Change" are absolutely no different than anyone else who has tried these same tricks, with the exception of the force multiplier of modern technology.
Deliberate destruction of the US economy is on the way. Frankly, I suspect, the reason the Congress and Senate, and White House could care less about anything they do, or anything the opposition says, is that there is another plan running. The "government" as usual, is what you are supposed to think. They've got something else in mind, which is why they are busy grabbing all they can get.
But you and me, fellow doggers, are supposed to wag our tails, and be happy that we get a doggie treat.
Not noticing that we are about to be fed to the lions, all so the deceived leadership gets to laugh at us, and how inferior we are, compared to their elitist, and well educated minds. New Supermen!
New Supermen, who are not noticing, that after we go to the lions, the dragon waits to eat them alive.
Ironically, Saul Alinsky, the supposed atheist, communist, agitator and community organizer, gives tacit agreement that God exists, in his agreement that Satan exists. His inability to discern between mythology and reality, gives answer to the blinding darkness. If God does not exist, then Satan had nothing to rebel against. Alinsky therefore agrees there is a God, and that he sides with Satan in rebellion.
God is the only answer to this. Seeking a resolution, a solution only with the pieces you can find here, horizontally, is insufficient for salvation. The vertical relationship with God is the only way out.
Remember: Devils don't bargain with men, they lie to them, to cause them to die forever.
Seems that Obama thinks he can take shots at us and our Constitutional rights. Oh sure, Barry has the same rights as you and I do, technically, but he sure loves to try to enforce his superiority upon the rest of us, under color of his authority and reputation.
..and the Alinsky method bullshit continues....
When I was much younger, in a history class, one year, we studied the second world war. As part of this unit, we were blessed enough to be visited by our local German teacher. She came into our home room, and discussed her experiences in Nazi Germany, during the war.
She was a kind, older woman, with the appearance of nearly a grandmother. She stood about five and a half feet tall, had greying hair, wore thick horn-rimmed glasses, a scarf over her hair, a blouse and a grandmotherly skirt, that went down to her ankles.
It was odd listening to her at first, because she would not look at the class. She spoke and much of the time her gaze was upon the floor in front of her. She could not raise her eyes and look at us and tell us the memories she was recalling. This grandmotherly lady, our German teacher for our school, was a survivor from Auschwitz.
As she spoke of the social changes, then the fear, and finally the terror of knowing what was going on, and her unbelievable survival, and how many friends, family and neighbors that were no more, she raised up her arm, and showed us her tatoo. The tatoo the Nazis had given her. She recited the number, before showing it to us.
In recent years after that, I could not avoid the study of the war, the times, and the circumstances surrounding the war. After churning through all the basics, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Hitler's Spies, The Order of the Death's Head, and other typical reading on the subject, adding war documentaries, biographies, and so on, I found myself noticing books on the shelf in used bookstores, that pertained to the war, the camps, and the deeper experience that was those days.
I found a few books written by survivors of camps like Treblinka, Buchenwald, and of course, Auschwitz. Some of the authors had been unfortunate enough to have been experiments of the Nazi doctors, and even one or two, by Mengele himself. I began to notice a commonality in the observations, and the stories, one that stuck with me over the years.
As a lead up to this observation, let me say that prior to the end of the Victorian era, there existed the belief that man, as spoken of in the Bible, is essentially broken, or crooked, under the weight of sin, original and his own. This requires laws and measures be taken to reign in such behaviors as murder, rape, theiving, etc.
It wasn't until a bit later, that the utopian socialists, and progressives (a politically correct word for communist or socialist to be certain) began to raise the idea, that sin was actually not as the Bible says it is, but it is merely ignorance. Knowledge then became the replacement for salvation. If given the chance, they suppose, man will not choose evil, but good. Because man is basically good, and given a fair chance, will choose to do good. (Artifacts of this idea exist in the notion that certain societal groups have more crime because they just don't have enough help in the form of education, money, social programs, etc. and crops up again in the Palestinian argument. All of which are just rebellion at the heart of the matter. Immature rebellion.)
These ideas floated quite nicely for a time, ostensibly liberating man from his roots in the "opiate of the masses." The first two world wars blew that idea out of the water, by showing that when man knows more, when knowledge increases, man did not generally choose to better himself, but to figure out ways to better destroy himself.
It seems, sin remains.
So, I noticed, in my study of the camps, that the psychologies began to leak through. It then became clear, that a pernitious evil was involved, that Satan was having a field day, mocking mankind. This was manifest in some of the behaviors of the Nazis in the camps. Not just the first blush of how horrible it all was, or how could someone do that? Not those typical rallying points. This was different. What suddenly struck me in the survivor stories, was the absolute mockery that took place alongside the cruelty and barbarism.
For example, while standing in the icy cold of a dark winter morning, roll call, the prisoners stood in clothing hardly good enough for warm weather. Fearing the spontaneous attack from the requisite psychotic enforcer, and trying to stand at attention, as if a new recruit in a special unit, the Nazis would have those more skilled in the group, sit and play music in a string quartet. Live music.
The first blush is that this was just a sick joke. But as I saw more examples of similar things, I realized that Satan was busy using these people, to make fun of "normal" life, and normalcy, of life itself, and man. What many of the Nazis perhaps missed, is that he also made fun of them. By convincing them with so many of the lies, and binding them together with power and fear, they became capable of inhuman atrocities, complete with "reasons" for the behavior.
Afterall, weren't they providing some culture, and some nice music for their prisoners? Should'nt they be grateful? Denial of the death they were sending them to, and the work that would kill them, there were stacks of such excuses, to go with the myriad of similar mockery. All permissable by the dehumanizing of the individual, by the creation of an "us" and a "them" one can accomplish such things.
Why does Wolfie bring up this story, this thought, these historical threads?
Because Fascism, Socialism, Communism, all go down the same road, and do the same thing. Some oppressors are better at the bull manure than others, but all are deceived in the same stream.
Wednesday's example of the lie of this type, is, President Obama, coming forth to proclaim his support of offshore oil drilling. This is what one is supposed to have as the "take away" from the press conference. Barack is a good dude, he is finally going to let us drill, there is hope!
While shovelling this lie, this "normal life" concept, that any rational, clear thinking person would do -drill our own oil, the EPA was busy regulating, and the proclaimation of the President, was all falsely hiding the open door for regulation, the refusal to drill in existing areas, and previously, the taxpayer funding by the President of the Brazillian state oil company, which coincidentally made a lot of money for the puppet master, George Soros.
Well butter my butt and call me a bisquit! George Soros has a history with the Nazis too!
Interesting, how Barack Obama's friends and funders, are Communists, Terrorists, people who have ties to foreign intelligence services, the Saudi Royal Family, and fellow travellors of Hitler's Nazis. What a great dude, huh?
Wolfie does not think so.
Returning to the mockery theme, notice, that in the camp, while the music played, the SS, the guard, had complete authority over the lives of the prisoners. So, while you stood, freezing your toes off, fearing an instant beating for some made up infraction, the guard could at any moment just up and shoot you, or send you onto a work detail that would kill you. But they were being oh, so nice to you, you have music, a roof over your head, food... getting the picture?
The pattern is the excuse, the crocodile tears, the bullcrap, while they put their knife wielding hand on your shoulder, and pat you on the back and tell you its ok, before they stab you and take what they want, and laugh while they spit in your face.
Well, we have healthcare now, you should be grateful. Think of all the poor, needy folks, who would love to have what you have. Meanwhile, Obama and his ilk, take your hard earned money, and while they say they are doing good, they are busy with underhanded, under the table deals, with their friends, to make themselves, and their friends a lot of money and power, on your back. Now adding all kinds of laws, regulations, taxes and control over your life. Isn't it great what they've done?
The theme is the same.
Lie, fake, control, take.
It is all mockery, it is just the level of fear, control, and death are not as high as in the camps. You're supposed to not notice. Buy a flatscreen TV, watch football, rent DvDs, and surf the web.
Don't notice, that the "smart meters" let them monitor when you are home, when you are not. Are intended to work with smart appliances, like a refrigerator that will tell them, by RFID tags, what you have to eat, and how long it has been there. Cable TV (or fiber) that tells them what you watch, when you watch it. All of it goes into your file, the database, and now, along with your banking records (Obama's cronies took over most of the big banks, yes? Who needs a search warrant for records, when you own the bank?) phone records, location of your car, where it has been, how fast you drove, how long you parked and where. Let us not forget "broadband in rural areas" -used to monitor your email, your internet usage, where you go, what you read, what you say, and access at high speed to any smart device in your home.
Are you ready for the noose to be closed upon your neck? Data mining and warehousing of all this information, permits predictive analysis. There is a 95% probability that if it is Tuesday, after 8:00 pm, Joe Blow will be at the J Street Bar, and that his car will, within 3 hours, be found cruising the red light district. Joe's medical records show he has been treated for STDs. On it goes.
So, what is Wolfie really trying to tell you?
These people, these progressives, these new men and women of "Hope & Change" are absolutely no different than anyone else who has tried these same tricks, with the exception of the force multiplier of modern technology.
Deliberate destruction of the US economy is on the way. Frankly, I suspect, the reason the Congress and Senate, and White House could care less about anything they do, or anything the opposition says, is that there is another plan running. The "government" as usual, is what you are supposed to think. They've got something else in mind, which is why they are busy grabbing all they can get.
But you and me, fellow doggers, are supposed to wag our tails, and be happy that we get a doggie treat.
Not noticing that we are about to be fed to the lions, all so the deceived leadership gets to laugh at us, and how inferior we are, compared to their elitist, and well educated minds. New Supermen!
New Supermen, who are not noticing, that after we go to the lions, the dragon waits to eat them alive.
Ironically, Saul Alinsky, the supposed atheist, communist, agitator and community organizer, gives tacit agreement that God exists, in his agreement that Satan exists. His inability to discern between mythology and reality, gives answer to the blinding darkness. If God does not exist, then Satan had nothing to rebel against. Alinsky therefore agrees there is a God, and that he sides with Satan in rebellion.
God is the only answer to this. Seeking a resolution, a solution only with the pieces you can find here, horizontally, is insufficient for salvation. The vertical relationship with God is the only way out.
Remember: Devils don't bargain with men, they lie to them, to cause them to die forever.
Seems that Obama thinks he can take shots at us and our Constitutional rights. Oh sure, Barry has the same rights as you and I do, technically, but he sure loves to try to enforce his superiority upon the rest of us, under color of his authority and reputation.
..and the Alinsky method bullshit continues....
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