Wednesday, March 31, 2010


General Jack D Ripper

I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Dr. Strangelove, a classic movie, to be sure. But let us examine the truths of this tongue and cheek remark of Stanley Kubrik's General Ripper, in light of current events, and recent history.

Communist infiltration? Thats been going on since we've had communists. Admissions by various people regarding Alger Hiss, as well as Venona transcripts, show us this was not a ficticious problem (and Joe McCarthy was right, albeit a bit ham fisted in his methods.)

Many members of the House of Representatives have been listed as members on Communist Party web sites in recent years. (Maxine Waters comes to mind) We also have National Socialists, the paid for socialists, bought by laundered money from George Soros and his front groups like MoveOn etc.

Communist indoctrination? William "Bill" Ayers, the admitted terrorist, the one who has ties to the intelligence agencies of Cuba, China, North Vietnam, North Korea, and of course, the Soviet Union, during time of war, has grown to become "Professor Ayers" and has been instrumental in teacher training for the last decade or two. He is even now, a good friend of Hugo Chavez, and has been teaching his tripe in Venezuela, along with is "son."

Add to this, that Universities have become the ivory tower homes of many 60's era radicals, communists, socialists and other mentally defective individuals, then it is no surprise that the old Soviet agenda is taught and shoveled down the throats of every generation.

Communist subversion? We've already mentioned Bill Ayers, but not his socialist Sesame Street gang known as The Weathermen, or alternately The Weather Underground. This is just one, rather classic group, that also has ties into the Black Panther Party and other organizations "of color" and Venceremos Brigade, ties to European terrorist organizations, etc.

Do we need to list the offenses of Bill Ayers, his adorable wife, and their cohorts? I think not.

Additionally, the Communists in state and local governments, let alone federal positions in the legislature and justice departments, spend a great deal of time derailing the Constitution, as well as the boundaries or rights it defines.

International Communist conspiracy? How about the KGB assisting in the "free speech" and "student movement" ? This is well documented in several books regarding the KGB, and also somewhat by David Horowitz and in some cases Peter Collier as well.

Do you really think the recent classification of radio talk show host Michael Savage (his air name) was just a mistake, or a bad decision? Don't you think it unusual the timing of this issue was right in stride with other attempts by Obama to move his agenda?

The San Francisco area Communists sure do not like Michael. The Obama crew was in touch with the UK lefties, and we were off and running -the first loud volley at Talk Radio was at someone perceived as extreme -remember Wolfie's previous postings on Saul Alinsky.

Kubrik's sarcasm aside, regarding bodily fluids, this seemingly wacko-nutjob, Jack Ripper was right on the mark, as have been many others.

Was General Jack correct regarding his method in the employment of "Wing Plan R" ? Probably not. But the "first strike" option was one the Soviets blustered that they never would lay down, while we pretended we would never use it.

Now we face a different war. The war we face is one of fighting these Islamic nutjob terrorists. Ones who the left would say, have come from disgruntled Afghanis, screwed by the CIA after fighting the Soviet incursion.

As they expect us to " 'fess up" on our supposed crimes to humanity, they conveniently leave out, that the Nazis and Soviets worked hard to make friends in the middle east, with anything that was not Jewish. They accidentally don't mention, that "international terrorism" in the 70's was funded a great deal by the Soviet Union, in order to harass the west, and Israel. (See Claire Sterling's "The Terror Network" -op)

So we fight now, this amorphous gas bag of crap ideologies. Communism and its ideological spin offs of various weenie-whiney-isms, and the more malignant frontiers, of subversion, terrorism, and the current power politics of tyranny, coming out of Washington, DC.

General Jack may have had the right idea afterall...

Suggested reading

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Welcome to The Village...

What is it, about this fictional character, that would be unliked by the Left; by Barry, and Nancy, and Harry, the Obama Bunch? Tyranny, tyrants, do not like this man, this figurehead, this character in a fictional show from the 1970's. The don't like him, because he has broken the cardinal rule of all tyrants. He dared to say, "I am not a number, I am a free man!"

Albeit fiction, our hero, is surrounded by familiar faces. Oh yes, look closely, every student of history knows exactly who they all are. The faceless oppressors of the state. The yes-men of the tyranny, in a show trial given only to show that the state has power over the individual. To crush the individual, and mock God, law, the truth, and the individual, all in one pass.

Scary Barry, and his street thugs, prefer this man, and those like him, keep their mouths shut. He shouuld be suppressed, be shut down, demonized and removed from society. Oh, its ok, so long as he is present to represent a stereotype, an iconic portrayal from the Allinsky villians list. He just cannot express anything but support for the Big O. None of that individual stuff.

Being an individual is anathema to the Left. It means you have an opinion, are not necessarily like the next guy or gal, and that you take responsibility for your words, deeds, and your own upkeep and survival. Then their worst fear is realized, you don't need them at all. You accept the hard times and the good times, but you don't need them at all.

Being a stated individual, might even get you reviewed in certain corridors of the justice department. Afterall, you are not supposed to question that clay footed, self proclaimed god who occupies the White House. Even though he, and his followers know they ran a cheat, a voter fraud syndicate, to shove Barry to the poduim, and implement their utopian feces upon society.

This is what they prefer, to smother the individual. To live in a world whose favorite TV program is, "Everybody Loves Barry." He forgets he is an empty suit, built by ideologies and ideologists, and bought and paid for, down to the elastic in his underwear. He too easily believes his own press.

It reminds me of Nazi propaganda, or the communist radioteletype traffic coming out of Pyongyang, North Korea (DPRK) -- ".. the [South Korean] puppet government of the evil, bloodthirsty Congress of the United States.." Followed by worship of the great leader, Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Jong, and whatever else was worthy to be supported by their state tyranny.

It is time to stand up and take care of our families, our communities, and our lives. Its time to vote these lovers of a corrupt philosophy out of office, and defund their fellow-travelors, and all their agencies, sub organizations and foolish endeavors, that have wormed their big mouths under the federal money faucet.

It is time to enforce the rule of law. This country was founded on a unique concept. The idea that the law was the king, all are subject to it, and not that we have a king, who is the law. LEX REX not REX LEX.

Naturally, the left prefers an authority figurehead, a king, a dictator, a tyrant. The individual never prefers such things.

It is only a matter of time, anger or frustration, before Obama and his gang bangers in the House and Senate decide to switch on the heat, and go from Tyranny Lite, (more taxes, less killing) -to the full blown version. Doubt me? Study history.

There has never been a case in history, where a government has taken a right, or usurped a power position on something, where they have given it back without a fight.

So, looks like the fight is on. Lets hope it stays at the ballot box, without ACORN forgeries, and dead people voting, etc. Lets hope its ballots, and does not turn to bullets.

Be Seeing You...


Today, boys and girls, the latest target of the Saul Alinskyite POTUS is the "angry white male" -which is, of course, a nice generic stereotype. This is tied to the "Militia Movement" and "Chrisitians" and the Obamaganda machine is cranked up to paint the Tea Party movement as gun toting, dangerous freaks, who should be suppressed.

Obama and his crew, and his handlers do not want the TEA Party movement to be heard. They are scared, and know they will get their asses handed to them in the future, so they are busy even now, like little ACORN beavers, pre-emptively striking the reputation, demonizing the image, so they can score in November.

This is a variation of the same template Hillary Clinton tossed out with "vast right-wing conspiracy" when she and her husband, "Billy Bentpecker" (hat tip: Lee Rogers) were under investigation. As usual, they telegraph their intentions, if you know how to listen.

So what can we predict in the coming days?

More attacks on various groups to build up in the minds of the public, that the TEA party is not to be followed, or believed, because they are nuts, weirdos, frothing at the mouth socio-psycopaths who don't like Barack Obama because he is "..not like the guy on the dollar bill.." as POTUS said during the campaign, dragging race into the picture, when nobody else would.

So Lissen' up, and pay attention. The fabricated sh*tstorm is upon us, and they are looking forward to ramping up in time for November.

Too bad for them, they are so damned predictable.

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer"

--Saul Alinsky, "Rules For Radicals" dedication.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Wolfie was asked, albeit a bit tongue in cheek, if he does not like the President. I could care less about the President, or Pelosi and Reid, Boxer and Feinstein, or even CAIR. What concerns me is their philosophy and ideological bent for stealing, killing and destroying lives, all in the guise of some other weakly veiled cause or premise. So, it does not matter who it is, they are deceived.

Hoses? Those are all the taxes and freeloader causes that the government, primarily Democrats / Communists have attached to the Everyman to take from him, and give to someone else. But, as you can imagine, the primary function is to keep him from rising up and being an individual.

You do, remember, the "Rugged Individual" of the United States?

They fear that, iconic or not, they fear it, and want it stopped.

They don't get their power and their friends don't get their government Scooby Snacks if the individual is important.

If the individual is important, then they don't need government. If you believe you are a member of a disenfranchised group, then you are the group think, the group message, and you cow tow to the government and your group's "leaders" in order to gain an identity.

I guess having one's own identity is fearsome, and political correctness has made having one's own opinon heresy.

Cut the hoses, and let these vampires die.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why am I not surprised?

Ooo, big news item today, radical Christians are on the march! Look out world, the new terrorists are here!

This stinks of Obamagenda right from the ministry of public relations and Obamaganda. Just like racist and homophobic remarks that allegedly were made during the Healthcare's fiasco Sunday, and coffins on lawns, I suspect somewhat of a staged crime scene by Obama and the fellow-travellor MSM confederates.

A previous and similar issue was noted by Jihad Watch recently, and makes me wonder why it is, that this administration is so bent on painting Islamic crazies as normal, and domestics as terrorist, radical, psycho-Christians, who froth at the mouth to kill anything in their path! The MSM dives right in and feeds like Michael Moore stuck in the back of a Twinkie Truck.

Why have there been no massive FBI sweeps of Jihad Training Camps around the US? They certainly do exist.

I suspect Jihad Watch was on target: Poor CAIR got its feathers ruffled, woobie-woobie-woobie. The group in charge of terrorist propaganda and charged with being the attack dog (ooops, sorry, Muslims don't like dogs) -being the attack pig (oops, they don't like pigs) ok, the attack sand spider, in charge of propagandizing and intimidation towards anyone who speaks out against extremist Islam.

So, Wolfie is certainly not surprised that Obama and CAIR are in the blankets together in the back of the nomadic tent. This is just the beginning of Obama misusing the FBI and Justice department to go after people, with or without real concern for what may or may not be going on. Wolfie does not trust the MSM, or the Obama street gang.

If this was a joint FBI / ATF assault group, then where is the ATF spokesman and statement? I suspect what I've heard about FBI academy graduates out of Quanitco is true: They graduate with a diploma and a blank press release.

Now, I'm not taking sides here for these guys just because of the word, "Christian" versus the word, "Muslim" or "CAIR" -not at all. I'm not taking a side, as I don't have enough information on the case to know if they actually were doing stupid things, and borrowing the "Christian" moniker, like so many white power groups do.

So, listen closely internet whiners! What I distrust is the assault on people in order to demonize them, by untrustable sources, who have power and an axe to grind in the game.

Once you demonize a group, you have dehumanized the group, just like "The Jews" in Nazi Germany were turned into some worldwide conspiracy of evil, and became no longer individuals, making it permittable in the minds of some stupid people, to do anything they wanted to, to "them."

So, pay attention, this is just the beginning of the ratcheting up in the continuation of Obama and his ilk, making sure you get the message in your mind. Secular-Humanist / Socialists = Good, rational, normal, and "Christians" = fanatical, bad, outcasts of society. All gun toting nut jobs, (remember the "Bitter Clinger" remark?) -bent on hating.

Now thats your clue for the whole message. Jesus, who (weather you believe it or not is not relavent, just deal with the content of the message, duh?) -who came and gave his life for us, sits in stark contrast to all other "religious leaders" in that he did not preach an ethic apart from himself. His followers, notorious not for their hate and violence, but for their grace and assistance to people, are now suddenly being painted with the Obamaganda's broad brushstrokes.



(I'll choose a stereotype to illustrate -its simpler and faster) -The WASP is Obama's enemy. He believes in God, Country, Honor, Loyalty, rather Boy Scout-ish. Obama believes in the State, Communism, and that religion is "the opiate of the masses" -and visits the idea of religion only when it suits his Obamagenda.

If someone wants to BPM (Thats "Bitch, Piss and Moan") about the Crusades, or the Inquisition, that was just as mainstream Christianity as Jihadists flying planes into the World Trade Center Towers is to the history of Islam.


Yahoo News




Islamberg Followup

(Hat tip: DrudgeReport )


Seems that the MSM is already ramped up on evil "Whitey" already. I guess the old theme of "disagree with Barry and you're scary" is ongoing and escalating. Don't like the Pres, and you're a racist. Waa-Waa-Waa. Bunch of predictable, leftist, bed-wetter, cry babies.

White Men Shun Democrats

The Rage is Not About Healthcare

The rage is not about Healthcare or being "White", its about the destruction of the country, by socialists and communists, and having to support an endless line of supposed victim class, illegals, freeloaders, and other dipsticks.

Dipsticks with their hands out for more, who generally are not very grateful or humble about it, and blame others for having what they've worked for.

To the MSM and Obama street gang: You, and the Horse you road in on.

Wake up, and smell the coffee

It is rather axiomatic at this stage of the game, to say that Barack Hussein Obama, is not only the most inexperienced, and foolish induhvidual to occupy 1600 Pennslyvania Avenue, but he is a dedicated destructionist, a communist, and inherintly a denier of his own narcissism and hatred.

This hatred is aimed at enemies acceptable to his 60's cold war, propaganda enemies list mindset. Capitalism, The United States of America, NASA, Christianity, even a Charlie Brown Christmas, Israel, and people of Jewish ancestry.

It is obvious in his preference shown towards traditionally enemy nations and leaders, terrorists, Arab nations, and the "cause" of the Palestinians. All of these, are throw-back positions from the era of Bill Ayers, Fidel Castro, and Leonid Breshnev.

Conveniently, Obama leaves out that "jihad" has moved from one's inner struggle with himself towards God, to an outward war against unbelievers. (Bad enough) An idea that was fueled by the Nazis and the Soviets into hating Capitalists, Jews and "infidels" of all kinds. The media and Obama, also neglect his popularity dive.

The trappings of 60's communism, the "red diaper" babies of the communists of the 30's, drips from his angry, activist wife. Like all elites, the Obamas spend their time trying to enforce whats "good" for us as far as their agenda driven / programmed minds can possibly do.

We all know, Michelle, like her husband, does what she wants, not what they preach. We know, their friends in the left, like Bill Ayers and his adorable wife, Bernadine, are the same. Ready to point out their activist, agitator viewpoint upon all comers, and those who are not even present.

Add to this, the other sick followers of the political left, who, under the payola of George Soros, and other methods (like government money laundering through pet cause related organizations) spend their time hawking snake oil to the public, for votes, money, and more power.
Any person with any kind of discernment and brains could tell the Obama '08 campaign was loaded with bovine scatology. A show, put on by big money backers, driven by fraudulent voter registrations, the victim movement, (I say this to cover all of them in a stroke, rather than list them) the media, and the agenda of the left.

Yet, it seems inadequate to call them, "The Left" anymore. They are whats left over when one still holds onto the house of cards that is Marxist/Leninism. Psychologically incapable of dealing with reality, they choose to live in a sick idealism. This is readily apparent by how they spend most of their time projecting their neurosis upon society. The spectrum runs from delusion to psychosis.

Suffice it to say, BHO is as nuts as HAL, and just as determined to eliminate those in his way, as are his lap dog media comrades. Unconstitutional Healthcare? Aww, you're just a racist, bigot, homophobe. Yeah, save the gay homeless whales of the rainforest too!

Either way, for whatever reason, you and I are now the target. They foolishly believe the rhetoric of the Soviet position, the Communist Manifesto, a dogma that has been shown to be inadequate and lethal several times in recent history.

For it is not Adolf Hitler, who was the mass murderer of the 20th Century, but names like Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tsetung, or Pol Pot. Sociopaths like Fidel Castro, and Che Guevarra who spread their misery gladly, in order to gain their own power and status. All of it, as an antithesis to the Judeo-Christian world, and Capitalism. What would they be, without the thesis to drive their antithesis?

The absolutely nauseating sewage, pouring from the mouthes of the House, during the healthcare debate. "We've tried to do this for 100 years.." with out of context, and rhetorical comparisons to great and not great persons of history and leadership.

Well, lets see, 100 years ago, it was just prior to "The Revolution" in Russia, and prior to the great depression.

So, people in this country wanted to live under socialism and communism that long? Not on your life, Pelosi, et. al. Unfortunately, now you seek my life, and the lives of my countrymen, in an attempt at some Marxist takeover, some vomitous manouver towards a totalitarian state. One that our ancestors would have easily picked up arms to prevent.

So, perhaps in the next election cycle, and perhaps, God willing, we may be able to turn the tide against these idiots. Morons who live in isolation, in their psychosis, and not with "the people" who they spend time saying they are for, but in fact, hate.

Ignorance is no excuse. I prefer we not be an igorant nation. For ACORN and all the other communist creep organizations out there, I know your origins. Origins of gaining public monies to fund yourselves, and buy votes by giving away more public money. Origins of corruption that continue to today.

It is time to stand up and be counted, take a position on the line, or be counted no more.

The Crawling Lie

Ok, so I like old Science Fiction. This is obviously from "The Crawling Eye" -a favorite. Of course, Barack Obama and his Communist haters are not my favorites at all. In fact, I believe Obama to be not only a manipulator, but the manipulated. Not only a deceiver, but seriously deceived. Worst of all, some form of sick narcissist, full of anger, bitterness and hatred for himself, that he projects upon others with his bullshit rhetorical positions on everything. He even married a hater.

Voting them all out, is just the beginning.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

BOHICA Sunday -The Healthcare FUBAR

See? I told you I had others, laying about the igloo.

Morning Poster -Semper Reluctus!

My igloo mates tell me, that I'm pretty good at making these posters. I have a backlog of them, so I suppose I could flush them into the public eye, by having at least a daily poster or two.

Monday, March 22, 2010

My Master

My master is a good master. He is not the sort that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid, would ever like to be around. He expects honesty, integrity, and above all, proper humility. That being said, he also expects me to stand for what is right, stand for, and speak the truth. So, I've come out of my igloo, in order to get into this fight, this bloody fight, for the nation, the truth, and the light in the world. My old friend Cyndi used to say, "There are two kinds of people, those of the light, and those of the lie."

20 years ago, I saw this Communist / Leftist garbage coming. In fact, earlier than that, watching the 60's and 70's unfold, and anti-Americans growing in numbers.

So, when I said to my friends, my family, that these people were dangerous, I was told I was extreme.

When I said they should be prosecuted and jailed, I was told to "lighten up." Today, they don't say much to me. In fact, they avoid me, as they know that the things I've said were not extreme, but true.

I've understood their antithesis from the start. It is appealing to many, as it strums the heartstrings of the naive, juvenile heart. It is, at the core, rebellion. Rebellion against God, and all authority, political or otherwise. They are nothing but antithesis. Without something to be against, they fall. Without victimhood, they fall. This is all history and water under the bridge, so to say.

What they will do next is try to shove Global Warming, er, excuse me, "Climate Change" legislation, down our throats. Global Warming / Climate Change is a complete fraud. That carbon dioxide has been listed as a pollutant is absurd, and also a fraud, and a lie. Don't you remember your 6th grade Science class? Does 'The Carbon Cycle" mean anything to your brain?

My master does not approve, but did predict such things for the history of mankind.

Well, I'll document the "Climate Change" stupidity and hoax in days to come, but for now, I think I'll go back to the igloo and smoke an Arturo Fuente cigar of somekind. This will only serve to remind me that illegal immigration is also going to be on the table.