Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why am I not surprised?

Ooo, big news item today, radical Christians are on the march! Look out world, the new terrorists are here!

This stinks of Obamagenda right from the ministry of public relations and Obamaganda. Just like racist and homophobic remarks that allegedly were made during the Healthcare's fiasco Sunday, and coffins on lawns, I suspect somewhat of a staged crime scene by Obama and the fellow-travellor MSM confederates.

A previous and similar issue was noted by Jihad Watch recently, and makes me wonder why it is, that this administration is so bent on painting Islamic crazies as normal, and domestics as terrorist, radical, psycho-Christians, who froth at the mouth to kill anything in their path! The MSM dives right in and feeds like Michael Moore stuck in the back of a Twinkie Truck.

Why have there been no massive FBI sweeps of Jihad Training Camps around the US? They certainly do exist.

I suspect Jihad Watch was on target: Poor CAIR got its feathers ruffled, woobie-woobie-woobie. The group in charge of terrorist propaganda and charged with being the attack dog (ooops, sorry, Muslims don't like dogs) -being the attack pig (oops, they don't like pigs) ok, the attack sand spider, in charge of propagandizing and intimidation towards anyone who speaks out against extremist Islam.

So, Wolfie is certainly not surprised that Obama and CAIR are in the blankets together in the back of the nomadic tent. This is just the beginning of Obama misusing the FBI and Justice department to go after people, with or without real concern for what may or may not be going on. Wolfie does not trust the MSM, or the Obama street gang.

If this was a joint FBI / ATF assault group, then where is the ATF spokesman and statement? I suspect what I've heard about FBI academy graduates out of Quanitco is true: They graduate with a diploma and a blank press release.

Now, I'm not taking sides here for these guys just because of the word, "Christian" versus the word, "Muslim" or "CAIR" -not at all. I'm not taking a side, as I don't have enough information on the case to know if they actually were doing stupid things, and borrowing the "Christian" moniker, like so many white power groups do.

So, listen closely internet whiners! What I distrust is the assault on people in order to demonize them, by untrustable sources, who have power and an axe to grind in the game.

Once you demonize a group, you have dehumanized the group, just like "The Jews" in Nazi Germany were turned into some worldwide conspiracy of evil, and became no longer individuals, making it permittable in the minds of some stupid people, to do anything they wanted to, to "them."

So, pay attention, this is just the beginning of the ratcheting up in the continuation of Obama and his ilk, making sure you get the message in your mind. Secular-Humanist / Socialists = Good, rational, normal, and "Christians" = fanatical, bad, outcasts of society. All gun toting nut jobs, (remember the "Bitter Clinger" remark?) -bent on hating.

Now thats your clue for the whole message. Jesus, who (weather you believe it or not is not relavent, just deal with the content of the message, duh?) -who came and gave his life for us, sits in stark contrast to all other "religious leaders" in that he did not preach an ethic apart from himself. His followers, notorious not for their hate and violence, but for their grace and assistance to people, are now suddenly being painted with the Obamaganda's broad brushstrokes.



(I'll choose a stereotype to illustrate -its simpler and faster) -The WASP is Obama's enemy. He believes in God, Country, Honor, Loyalty, rather Boy Scout-ish. Obama believes in the State, Communism, and that religion is "the opiate of the masses" -and visits the idea of religion only when it suits his Obamagenda.

If someone wants to BPM (Thats "Bitch, Piss and Moan") about the Crusades, or the Inquisition, that was just as mainstream Christianity as Jihadists flying planes into the World Trade Center Towers is to the history of Islam.


Yahoo News




Islamberg Followup

(Hat tip: DrudgeReport )


Seems that the MSM is already ramped up on evil "Whitey" already. I guess the old theme of "disagree with Barry and you're scary" is ongoing and escalating. Don't like the Pres, and you're a racist. Waa-Waa-Waa. Bunch of predictable, leftist, bed-wetter, cry babies.

White Men Shun Democrats

The Rage is Not About Healthcare

The rage is not about Healthcare or being "White", its about the destruction of the country, by socialists and communists, and having to support an endless line of supposed victim class, illegals, freeloaders, and other dipsticks.

Dipsticks with their hands out for more, who generally are not very grateful or humble about it, and blame others for having what they've worked for.

To the MSM and Obama street gang: You, and the Horse you road in on.


  1. Excellent post, Wolf!
    I couldn't agree more. BTW, I like those two words you used: Obamagenda, and Obamaganda. Very fitting.

  2. Hey, I just figured out why my other comments didn't show up! I didn't wait long enough for WV to show up. Doh! :^)
