Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Welcome to The Village...

What is it, about this fictional character, that would be unliked by the Left; by Barry, and Nancy, and Harry, the Obama Bunch? Tyranny, tyrants, do not like this man, this figurehead, this character in a fictional show from the 1970's. The don't like him, because he has broken the cardinal rule of all tyrants. He dared to say, "I am not a number, I am a free man!"

Albeit fiction, our hero, is surrounded by familiar faces. Oh yes, look closely, every student of history knows exactly who they all are. The faceless oppressors of the state. The yes-men of the tyranny, in a show trial given only to show that the state has power over the individual. To crush the individual, and mock God, law, the truth, and the individual, all in one pass.

Scary Barry, and his street thugs, prefer this man, and those like him, keep their mouths shut. He shouuld be suppressed, be shut down, demonized and removed from society. Oh, its ok, so long as he is present to represent a stereotype, an iconic portrayal from the Allinsky villians list. He just cannot express anything but support for the Big O. None of that individual stuff.

Being an individual is anathema to the Left. It means you have an opinion, are not necessarily like the next guy or gal, and that you take responsibility for your words, deeds, and your own upkeep and survival. Then their worst fear is realized, you don't need them at all. You accept the hard times and the good times, but you don't need them at all.

Being a stated individual, might even get you reviewed in certain corridors of the justice department. Afterall, you are not supposed to question that clay footed, self proclaimed god who occupies the White House. Even though he, and his followers know they ran a cheat, a voter fraud syndicate, to shove Barry to the poduim, and implement their utopian feces upon society.

This is what they prefer, to smother the individual. To live in a world whose favorite TV program is, "Everybody Loves Barry." He forgets he is an empty suit, built by ideologies and ideologists, and bought and paid for, down to the elastic in his underwear. He too easily believes his own press.

It reminds me of Nazi propaganda, or the communist radioteletype traffic coming out of Pyongyang, North Korea (DPRK) -- ".. the [South Korean] puppet government of the evil, bloodthirsty Congress of the United States.." Followed by worship of the great leader, Kim Jong Il, Kim Il Jong, and whatever else was worthy to be supported by their state tyranny.

It is time to stand up and take care of our families, our communities, and our lives. Its time to vote these lovers of a corrupt philosophy out of office, and defund their fellow-travelors, and all their agencies, sub organizations and foolish endeavors, that have wormed their big mouths under the federal money faucet.

It is time to enforce the rule of law. This country was founded on a unique concept. The idea that the law was the king, all are subject to it, and not that we have a king, who is the law. LEX REX not REX LEX.

Naturally, the left prefers an authority figurehead, a king, a dictator, a tyrant. The individual never prefers such things.

It is only a matter of time, anger or frustration, before Obama and his gang bangers in the House and Senate decide to switch on the heat, and go from Tyranny Lite, (more taxes, less killing) -to the full blown version. Doubt me? Study history.

There has never been a case in history, where a government has taken a right, or usurped a power position on something, where they have given it back without a fight.

So, looks like the fight is on. Lets hope it stays at the ballot box, without ACORN forgeries, and dead people voting, etc. Lets hope its ballots, and does not turn to bullets.

Be Seeing You...

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Wolf!
    Great visuals and great writing! :^)
    I cooncur!
